Minecraft is considered to be a video game where the players create as well as take part in many different kinds of blocks in a 3D world. Minecraft has 2 main modes. One is the Survival mode and the other is the Creative mode. In the Survival mode the players have to locate their own food and building. They also get a chance to collaborate with the blocks like moving creatures or mobs. On the other hand in the Creative mode the players are provided with supplies and in this way they will not have to eat food in order to survive. They can also break every block immediately.
Minecraft Game
Are there points or levels? No. The reason for this is that the main motive of the game is to create and explore the game.
Number of players: It will be possible for you to play by yourself or you can even play online with others. If you own a smart phone or a tablet they offer multi-player options via the Wi-Fi networks.
On what devices can it run on? You can get to play this game on versions meant for Macs, PCs and Xbox 360. You will also be able to come across a version for iPad, iPhone, Kindle Fire and Android smartphones.
Minecraft Price
Cost? You will get the computer version for $26.95, the Xbox version for is $20and the tablet edition for $6.99.
Where do I find it? You will be able to download the PC and Mac game from www.minecraft.net. The Xbox edition can be downloaded from www.marketplace.xbox.com. On the other hand you will be able to get the phone and tablet editions via the Google Play, iTunes App Store and Amazon.com.
How to play Minecraft
How to play? If you are 12 and younger then you must have a parent to create an account for you.
Advantages of playing the Minecraft game: When you play Minecraft you are automatically put to work as it provides you with imagination with the help of metaphors and images that give the game its direction. You can consider the blocks to be a promiscuous open world and the challenge to control it. As a player you will learn the mode of survival with the resources available to survive the many dangers which you encounter.
Math: Minecraft being a 3D virtual world, links it with geometry and measurement concepts.
Geography: It acts as your Geography lesson as in this game you will get to learn about the difficult concepts of mapping skills, topography and types of maps all of which are a natural part of Mine craft.
Download Minecraft for free here.
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